Friday, January 22, 2010

Sleep, School, and Surgery.

I am so terrible at updating this blog! It seems life always has other plans for me, plans that don't include blogging!
Some days it darn near impossible to do anything! Landon decided about 6-9 months ago that nap time is over-rated. He refuses to nap, which makes things so much harder on me! I thought having a newborn was a lot of work, hahaha... a toddler is so much more! I have officially learned how to run off of very little sleep. I can't even think of the last time I had a nice 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep! Last night (or shall I say this morning) I got to bed at 3am- woke up at 5am to Landon crawling in bed with me crying- only for him to hog the bed and make it impossible for me to get a nice sleep. By 9:30 I was up and ready to start the day. How I do it? I am not sure! Guess it's just something us mommy's do!

The last few weeks have been stressful for me. REWIND-- remember how I found a college (Charter College) that is located right down the street from me. I was supposed to start January 25 for a 9 month program to receive my certificate in Medical Assistant. Well.. when I had my first appointment with them I asked them before anything else "Do you accept the Post 9/11 GI Bill(Chapter 33)?" They said yes. Well when I went in there to enroll and fill out all the financial paperwork, they informed me they only accept the regular GI Bill (Chapter 30). I was infuriated with them! I asked them point blank, even told them if they didn't accept it then I wouldn't be able to attend there! So after learning about that, I withdrew my application and had to start my search for a school all over again. I must say, Santa Clarita has surprised me! The AV has sooo many medical colleges... Santa Clarita has none! (Well aside from Charter College). After much searching I found ITT-Tech in Sylmar. The other day I had an appointment there. It's about a 15 min drive from my house, which is not bad at all! The program is for Health Information Technology (HIT), it's a 24 month program and I receive my Associates Degree in it. After school is done, ITT-Tech helps place me as a manager or supervisor in the medical records/billing department. The HIT program is the administrative part of the health care field. Another awesome thing about ITT-Tech is that they not only accept the Post 9/11 GI Bill, but they are part of the Yellow Ribbon Program. The YRP is awesome! For example, my tuition for 24 months at ITT-Tech is about $48,000. My GI Bill only covers $36,000. Leaving me with the $12,000 balance. The YRP comes in and ITT-Tech pays $6,000 and then the VA Dept pays the other $6,000. Leaving me with a balance of $0! So pretty much I get to earn my degree for FREE.. and I actually get paid BAH (about $2000) each month for going to school! All in all it's a great situation. I am excited to start school. I start March 15 and will graduate Spring 2012! =)
Aside from school, another exciting thing for me is this Monday I am going in for a consultation for LASIK eye surgery! There is a place in San Diego that is having a special, for my prescription it's only $300 an eye! My eye doctor already said I am the perfect candidate for LASIK, so I am very excited to get it done and actually be able to see! We are leaving to San Diego tomorrow and will spend the weekend at Jeremiah's grandparents house. Luckily the rain has stopped and hopefully it will stay away long enough for us to drive to SD safely! I love the rain, and I have enjoyed the last few days of pouring rain, but I don't like driving long distances in it. Californian's are pretty bad drivers when it rains. They're even worse when it snows!! LOL.
Well I've got to get ready for my OB appt today. Plus I have LOTS of laundry and cleaning to do before we leave town.



  1. good luck with the lasik! let me know if it works and how you like it.

  2. I am very glad things seems to be working out regarding ITT TECH. I would just caution you to research ITT very carefully before you commit to it. The Internet abounds with horror stories about this school. It seems that you won't have to worry about their outrageous tuition, but the quality of the education they offer is suspect, employers are not impressed by an ITT TECH "degree", and if you ever decide to go to a traditional college later, you will have to start from scratch, since their credits do not transfer. These things may not concern you now, but I would just advise caution, recommend that you arm yourself with information, and go into this with your eyes open.
